Re: おまじない ( No.1 ) |
- 日時: 2011/05/26 23:02
- 名前: 瑠希
- ここはそうゆう
相談場所ではないですよ (笑)
Re: おまじない ( No.2 ) |
- 日時: 2011/05/27 04:42
- 名前: ステファニー
I think so too...
Re: おまじない ( No.3 ) |
- 日時: 2011/05/28 00:10
- 名前: 羅魅
- >>ステファニーさん、
ここらではあまり英語でレスしない方がいいと思います。たしかにあなたの意見には同意しますが、それほど英語が分からない純日本人(侮辱じゃないです)には意見が伝わりにくいと思うんです;; ここらは英語で話します。私も出来るんで。
I really don't think it's a great idea to respond in English. I mean, think about the people that looks at these kind of sites. They really need an answer, but if you reply in English they won't understand, right? Remember, they are Japanese, not people that can speak and read English fluently. On one of the questions、you said that you were half English and half Japanese. If so, don't you understand the difficulty to understand foreign language? So I think it's better for you and everyone for you to respond in Japanese. But please don't take me wrong, I didn't mean to lecture you nor harass you.
>>ここはおまじない相談所ではありません;; 瑠希さんの言う通りです